Thursday, July 08, 2010
Happy Birthday, America!
The 4th of July is a great holiday: food, family, fireworks! :) What's not to love? We indulged in all of them. I baked a red, white and blue dessert. This is my buttermilk pie, topped with whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries. It tasted as good as it looks, if I do say so, myself. My dad, who is always very sensible about eating, even indulged in seconds!! I was so proud.

We also took a trip to the local pool, where G took in all the sights and sounds there were to offer, and I assure you there were plenty. He did not cry and seemed to enjoy it. You can barely see in the next picture, but he did sport his red, white and blue to say Happy Birthday to our country. He is learning how to use a sippy cup. Still working on it, but he's getting better at it.
My parents came to celebrate, and G really enjoyed having them here. My dad and Travis spent the better part of the 4th making some improvements to our master bathroom. We now have some beautiful faucets rather than the less-beautiful ones that were there, and some gorgeous light fixtures that offer much more light. The holiday was wrapped up with some HUGE fireworks right in our front yard. The whole street was out there celebrating, with the possible exception of a little boy worn out. Happy Birthday, America!

My parents came to celebrate, and G really enjoyed having them here. My dad and Travis spent the better part of the 4th making some improvements to our master bathroom. We now have some beautiful faucets rather than the less-beautiful ones that were there, and some gorgeous light fixtures that offer much more light. The holiday was wrapped up with some HUGE fireworks right in our front yard. The whole street was out there celebrating, with the possible exception of a little boy worn out. Happy Birthday, America!