Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Ok, I'm not a crazy
Star Wars fan who dresses up and stands in line at midnight or anything, but I have enjoyed the movies... that reminds me, I haven't seen the latest one. Hmm....gotta get on that. Anyway, check
this out!! Now you can truly let the force be with you...
Monday, July 25, 2005
Konfabulator is a cool desktop widget application that I tried out a few months ago--my trial period ended and I was sad to give it up. Sir, Cheapo, didn't want to fork over the $20 bucks to pay for it.
I think this is a great oppertunity for
Yahoo! to get onto the desktop like
Google has done with its
desktop search application.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Friend Check!
We all need to do a little spring cleaning once in a while. Our closets get full of clothes we never wear anymore, our cabinets are stuffed with tupperware that lack bottoms or tops. Sometimes we even need to do a friend inventory. While I don't recommend killing off all of your relationships, there are
occasions when friends may be a misnomer. Take a look and double check your stash. Maybe it's time for a friend makeover. So go ahead and ask your new yoga buddy to go shopping with you for the perfect shoes. It might be just what you both need!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Well, Tivo, which has long been admired for its ability to remove commericals from TV viewing, is looking into adding icons for the advertisers.
Hey, Tivo, if I wanted to see ads I wouldn't have bought a recording device that allows me to skip/remove them.
I mean, I love a good TV commercial as much as the next guy but when they threaten to ruin one of Tivo's best features they've gone too far.
Oh, yeah, this is just my opinion.
Friday, July 15, 2005
While doing some research for my day job I watched this interview of Kim Cameron on his white paper "The Laws of Identity."
I was truly inspired by Kim's ideas... As he said in his interview this is a historic undertaking. I wish him well in his endeavor to convince the Internet--at large--to adopt his idea of a universal Metasystem to manage our online identities.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
3 steps.....or 10,000 - Who's Counting?
Well, great news!! Herein lie 3 ways to change your life, and make a big impact. In a mere
10,000 steps a day, you can walk your way to your daily exercise quotient. A great way to keep track is by getting a small
pedometer. About 2/3 of the way down this article, there are also links to
de-stress and how to go about
slimming your waistline. With the epidemic of obesity in this country, we should all take note. If you take nothing else from this post, remember this -
Practice Laughing!! Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Never register again!
Ok, this may be the coolest website ever. Basically, you may never have to register for a site again! Check out where you can get already registered user IDs and passwords. I've used it twice already and am getting GREAT information - with less junk mail!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Mentally speaking....who are you??
Ever wondered about whether your brain has more male or female traits? Yeah, it's interesting, but I've got other things on my my brand new
insidetv magazine!! However, if you have some extra time on your hands, this is a very interesting
quiz. Enjoy!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Are You an Online Knucklehead?
Netiquette Lesson #1:
"There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world.
We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts:
what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it." - Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) American Educator
If you're a Knucklehead keep reading
It's July - official kick-off of summer. I feel the need to dish the dirt on the stars. Let's start with this season's
most irritating couple!! But surf around. You can learn a lot....not too many SAT word opportunities, though.
Things happening on the job at EarthLink