Monday, February 11, 2008
Happy Birthday!
For those of you who do not know it, Christmas is always extra-special at my parents' house because there is also a birthday party for my oldest niece. This year's birthday theme was the Aristocats. There was pink and purple everywhere, a cake topped with cat candles and a tiara, little girls playing a dancing game based on hot potato, and for an activity, we decorated gingerbread houses. They were made of gingerbread graham crackers and held together with powdered sugar icing. There were plenty of candies and icing for decorating. Everyone had a very good time. Watch this short video for a quick taste of the event.
When Mom and Dad arrived, Dad and Travis took the luggage upstairs. Life proceeded, we had dinner, talked, caught up. Eventually, hot tea, a little reading, some conversation all lead to sleepy parents. Dad was going to go up first, but after much prodding and pleading, Mom went up with Dad. Below, you'll see why it was so important that Mom get to go up with Dad, at least to turn on the lights before turning down the bed. Hopefully, this will be a touch of hospitality not quickly forgotten!

Long Overdue
I'm so sorry for my absence since November. I have no excuses, plenty of stories, and some pictures to accompany them. I'll start with Thanksgiving dinner.

I hope you can see that we had lots of delicious foods. This is the Salvadorian turkey, the Asiago sweet potato gratin, and a delicious fall salad with pears, pecans and feta. Neil's blue corn stuffing with chorizo accompanied all of this on our gorgeous table. See?
This was the first time I got to use our fine china given to us primarily as wedding gifts. It made the table look absolutely gorgeous. And I feel a little silly saying it, but I actually felt like a grown up. I would also like to say that in those glasses was our faux champagne that turned out pretty good. There were mixed reviews, but I liked it, and it looked pretty and was festive.
Then it was time to eat... and eat we did!

Doh! I forgot the dessert. How could I forget the delicious desserts? Neil slaved all day on our persimmon pudding. He steamed it in a very old fashioned way. If anyone can find an old-fashioned pudding mold - complete with the steaming cap thingy - I know he'd love to try again. It turned out very moist, and the rum-soaked berries completed it perfectly!! Mom and I made the pie - while considerably less effort was involved, it was also quite delicious.

Then it was time to eat... and eat we did!

Doh! I forgot the dessert. How could I forget the delicious desserts? Neil slaved all day on our persimmon pudding. He steamed it in a very old fashioned way. If anyone can find an old-fashioned pudding mold - complete with the steaming cap thingy - I know he'd love to try again. It turned out very moist, and the rum-soaked berries completed it perfectly!! Mom and I made the pie - while considerably less effort was involved, it was also quite delicious.