Sunday, April 27, 2008
And then there were thai...?
We love Thai food. It is delicious, different, exciting to the taste buds. Ordinarily we get it from our favorite little dive, Dan Thai, a few minutes up the road. It is unpretentious, has delicious food, quick and polite service, and is reasonably priced. However, sometimes at the end of the day, we just want to stay home. On those nights, Thai food seems an impossibility.
Alas! As you can see here, we have a delicious plate of Pad Thai. Neil made some over the holidays and Travis helped out - in part to learn how. We tried it at home. I can honestly say there are few things more offensive to the nose than fish sauce heating on a stove, but our food turned out pretty well. It didn't taste quite like Dan Thai, but I was quite impressed with our adventurous cooking spirit, as well as our culinary outcome.
I must admit, it has been some time since I was on my Ellie Krieger cookbook craze, much to the chagrin of my health. However, one of the first recipes I noted in there excited me greatly. As you know, I am trying to incorporate more fish recipes into my repertoire. Thai-style halibut with coconut-curry broth hit the Asian and fish spots equally and delightfully.
Mmmmmm! I'd like to encourage all of you to try making your favorites that you only order out. Think how nice it would be to dig into a fresh, hot plate/bowl of your favorite restaurant order, even on those rainy, stormy, traffic-filled nights.

I must admit, it has been some time since I was on my Ellie Krieger cookbook craze, much to the chagrin of my health. However, one of the first recipes I noted in there excited me greatly. As you know, I am trying to incorporate more fish recipes into my repertoire. Thai-style halibut with coconut-curry broth hit the Asian and fish spots equally and delightfully.

Friday, April 04, 2008
April Fools!
I love April Fools day. It is a "holiday" right up my alley. I enjoy making others laugh, and enjoy a good prank. This year I ended up making two different kitchen specialties for the day.
I came up with the perfect April Fools prank this year. I really think it's perfect. For those of you looking for something to do next year, try this. Just beware the repercussions. I have been threatened that I will pay. I can't hold my breath the entire time, and I'm hoping these people forget, but you never know. Lucky for me, I'm just as quick to laugh at a joke played on me as on the next guy.
While the texture of my chocolate chunk cookies wasn't quite the norm, they looked appetizing enough. These cookies were left in the break area at my job with an encouraging note which read, "Chocolate Chunk Cookies - Help Yourself!" I'm a little sorry to tell on them, but the men were the easiest targets here. Evidently, they cannot turn down chocolate any more easily than women can, they just prefer it delivered in baked goods. One additional caveat, they prefer those goods be baked with sugar, and that the chocolate not be unsweetened baker's chocolate. Poor guys...I missed the memo that day. ;)
Additionally, we attended a game night the Saturday prior to April Fools day. The idea was to take an April Fools day inspired food of some sort. I have never had more fun assembling food. These are also by far the most adorable food I have ever created. Behold, my mini-burgers.

My burgers have buns of vanilla wafers, and grasshopper cookie meat patties. There is lettuce made from green coconut, mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard icing, tomatoes and pickles made of candy fruit slices, and the best little touch, cheese slices which were really squares of yellow fruit rolls. Served with shoestring potatoes, you've got an entire combo meal.
I came up with the perfect April Fools prank this year. I really think it's perfect. For those of you looking for something to do next year, try this. Just beware the repercussions. I have been threatened that I will pay. I can't hold my breath the entire time, and I'm hoping these people forget, but you never know. Lucky for me, I'm just as quick to laugh at a joke played on me as on the next guy.

My burgers have buns of vanilla wafers, and grasshopper cookie meat patties. There is lettuce made from green coconut, mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard icing, tomatoes and pickles made of candy fruit slices, and the best little touch, cheese slices which were really squares of yellow fruit rolls. Served with shoestring potatoes, you've got an entire combo meal.