Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I bet all of you, my loyal readers, yeah, that makes both of you...anyway, I bet both of you thought I was gone, done for, kaput. Alas, no. What I would like to say is that summer got terribly busy, full of living, taking fantastic vacations, having raucous wild outings with friends. The vacations happened, but really nothing else from that. My job, combined with the later departure time via the vanpool, resulted in my having less time and creativity to cook adventurous (or even mundane) recipes. This past weekend, the cooking savant (really Amanda??) returned.
I have been on a quest. Well, less of a quest, more of a something-I-think-I want-to-do-if-I-ever-get-around-to-it-maybe. I had tried the Thai Express from R Thomas' Deluxe Grill, and it is built on a newly famed "grain," quinoa (pronounced keen-wah). Quinoa hales from Andes regions of South America and is comprised of about 12-18% protein. Because of this, it has found its way into the health food world of USA. And this being my healthier blog and all, it was only a matter of time before it found its way here.

Enter quinoa as a base under Moroccan Butternut Squash Stew. YUM!!! This was an excellent dish. Not only did the squash call up flavors of fall, but the colors burst forth from the bowls like the perfect foliage viewing of an October weekend. This was truly delicious. The following night, we indulged again on leftovers, this time adding a lamb chop which had been morseled appropriately. However you choose to doctor it - or not - I cannot recommend highly enough that you try making this stew. It's so easy that it almost feels like cheating. Bon apetit!
I have been on a quest. Well, less of a quest, more of a something-I-think-I want-to-do-if-I-ever-get-around-to-it-maybe. I had tried the Thai Express from R Thomas' Deluxe Grill, and it is built on a newly famed "grain," quinoa (pronounced keen-wah). Quinoa hales from Andes regions of South America and is comprised of about 12-18% protein. Because of this, it has found its way into the health food world of USA. And this being my healthier blog and all, it was only a matter of time before it found its way here.

Enter quinoa as a base under Moroccan Butternut Squash Stew. YUM!!! This was an excellent dish. Not only did the squash call up flavors of fall, but the colors burst forth from the bowls like the perfect foliage viewing of an October weekend. This was truly delicious. The following night, we indulged again on leftovers, this time adding a lamb chop which had been morseled appropriately. However you choose to doctor it - or not - I cannot recommend highly enough that you try making this stew. It's so easy that it almost feels like cheating. Bon apetit!