Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pete Zaaaah
Sometimes I don't know what to make for dinner and we're at the store when struck by inspiration. Last night was that sort of night. As we headed home after running some errands, we stopped at the grocery store to figure out what might be served for dinner. Publix makes a really good fresh pizza dough, so we decided on that.
I seemed to recall as I got the dough all spread out far enough to handle toppings that the stone said not to use anything else. Wow was I wrong... Last night was my first official temper-tantrum thrown because of pizza. It looks beautiful, tasted really good, had a cheese-stuffed crust, but left the bottom crust all over the stone. Lucky for us, Travis is able to bring me to a reasonable perspective most of the time. We were able to eat our pizza, salad and beverages without too much more frustration.